Nuclear QA Codes & Standards Training - Online!

It’s an exciting time in the nuclear industry. Many companies are taking steps to have employees familiarize themselves with nuclear QA codes & standards training. This requires personnel to get up-to-date with NRC and DOE regulations, standards (including NQA-1), and understand how to meet nuclear requirements.

The problem recognized is providing useful and timely training to QA personnel, project managers, inspection and test personnel, R&D personnel, and others who will need to understand or implement the nuclear QA requirements. The training required is fairly broad-based, but must also be detailed, efficient, and interesting. In response to the need for a value-added orientation to nuclear QA, J-E-T-S Quality Consultants developed this 1.5-day Nuclear QA Codes & Standards Training program.

What Are Our Program Objectives?

Nuclear QA Codes & Standards Orientation is a fast-paced 1.5 day (12 contact hours) program presented in a virtual classroom/online experience.  This program provides the knowledge and skills needed to understand, interpret, and apply the QA requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21, 10CFR830, and NQA-1 within the organization. We have special versions focused for DOE or NRC regulatory environments.  This nuclear standards program is often customized to fit client or contract-specific needs, such as a special focus on DOE, NRC, or nuclear supplier requirements. Using hands-on examples, discussions, and workshops, we cover:

  • The background and intent of nuclear QA Standards
  • Development and history of CFRs and supporting standards
  • Intent and focus of requirements and their implementation
  • Areas of common misunderstanding with lessons from regulators and customers
  • Responsibilities and accountability for regulation and standard compliance
  • Basic comparison of different standards, including 10CFR50 Appendix B, 10CFR21, 10CFR830, NQA-1, and ISO-9001
  • 10CFR830 Subpart A with interfaces
  • Interface of 10CFR50 Appendix B to different NQA-1 versions
  • Lessons learned and transition from ISO-9001 to nuclear·
  • Interpreting and applying nuclear QA requirements in realistic situations
  • Reinforcement of understanding of requirements
  • Discussion of “finer points” of compliance and understanding

$1250 per person for program, materials, etc. with a minimum of 6 attending - Call now to sign up - (704) 987-9858

Want this program on-site?  

The fee for an onsite presentation of this 1.5 day Nuclear Code & Standards Training is the same $1250 per person as online, but we must add  travel/expense, shipping, and travel time.  Class size is a minimum of 6.  Call for details or a fixed fee quote based on your location.

Call (704) 987-9858 to register or schedule this important training at your site. We will work with you to coordinate dates that satisfy your needs. Learn to speak "nuke" from the experts with this great program from J-E-T-S.

Contact our nuclear code and standards specialists to schedule a session for your organization. We proudly serve commercial and governmental organizations worldwide.