J-E-T-S has developed a specialized training program aimed at Assessment personnel working in the operating nuclear environment.  This 2 ½ day program will help prepare Assessment personnel to plan, perform, and report assessments consistent with current industry expectations, lessons learned, and INPO criteria.  This program can be presented in an online/virtual classroom environment, saving travel and expense costs.  

As the leading provider of nuclear oversight/audit/codes training, we have worked to ensure this program includes the objectives of interest.  The program includes exercises, videos, and many examples to reinforce Assessor learning.  Feedback from those attending this program has been excellent! 

J-E-T-S new Assessor Training program follows this outline:   

  • Evolving Assessment Program Fundamentals – NIEP/NQA-1 Criteria for Audits vs. Assessments
  • Review of INPO Performance Objectives and applicable regulations
  • Selecting Work to Assess and Assessment Strategies  
  • Developing Assessment Plans
  • Observing Work Lessons Learned and Exercises
  • Interviewing Skills Lessons Learned
  • Analyzing Performance and Human Error Investigation
  • Developing Problem Statements (Issues, Insights, Impacts)
  • Writing Assessment Reports
  • Debriefing Counterparts

Fees & Scheduling  

The fee for Nuclear Assessor Training is $1975 per person for the 2 ½ day presentation, including program instruction, supporting student texts, handouts, exercises, and custom certificates for all attending.  The minimum class size is 6, with a maximum of 12.  For on-site presentations, travel, expense, and shipping will be charged at cost in addition to the per-person fee.  Want something special?  Just ask!