Improving Audit Communications

J-E-T-S announces the availability of a real breakthrough in quality audit/assessment training! Recent surveys of auditor and oversight effectiveness demonstrate improved written and verbal communication skills greatly enhance the perception of oversight value to management. We developed Improving Audit Communications specifically to improve communication skills of personnel performing performance-based audits and assessments.

This three-day course uses class instruction, video, and workshop exercises to allow attendees experience at “putting it to work” for themselves. The J-E-T-S instructor leads attendees through lessons learned and provides individual feedback to improve. This program really makes a difference – most attending experience real improvement in their communication skills!

J-E-T-S Improving Audit Communications is presented in four parts:

Part 1: Written Communications
Audit finding and report writing are topics of frustration for many oversight managers and auditors. However, do we know auditors have the tools needed for effective report writing? The first half of J-E-T-S Improving Audit Communications focuses on writing good performance-based audit/assessment findings and reports. Attendees are instructed on basic and advanced audit writing techniques, with emphasis on value-added, clear written communication, organization, readability, and grammar. Instruction includes proven methods to improve the efficiency of report writing. The program uses practical application, exercises, and individual coaching to improve individual writing styles. Also covered is computer-aided report generation spelling/grammar checker use.

Part 2: Presentation Skills
Using real-time video playback, attendees work as a class and as individuals to improve their presentation techniques. The instruction focuses on organizing and developing presentations while enhancing presentation confidence and ability. Communicating a main message, stress reduction, presentation posture, preparation, and non-verbal communication are covered, with individuals each working to improve their presentation style.

Part 3: Interviewing Techniques
Attendees learn as they conduct interviews, observe others, and review interviewing performance using role playing and/or video playback. The J-E-T-S instructor presents lessons learned optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of inter¬views and discussions during performance-based observations. Included are placing people at ease, questioning format and planning, reducing defensiveness, taking notes, body language, and dealing with difficult personalities and situations.

Part 4: Improvement Planning
The program finishes with each attendee developing an individual improvement plan. This plan recognizes the basic opportunities for communications improvement identified during the training. Each attendee determines appropriate short- and long-term communication improvement goals.

Feedback from Attendees and Managers:
Evaluations from attendees for Improving Audit Communications have been excellent! This consistently is one of J-E-T-S best-rated programs. Here are some recent examples:

– The best training I have experienced in my 19 years here.
– Very positive experience – will definitely be beneficial to my career development.
– The most informative course I have had the pleasure of attending.
– Held my attention the whole course. Will be able to apply immediately.
– Management feedback after receiving the program: We are continuing to reap the benefits of the Improving Audit Communications course you facilitated… The presentations delivered by our staff improved immediately and the written communications have improved – we are now all working to a solid, consistent expectation.

Fees and Reservations:
J-E-T-S provides everything for this course but the location. We supply detailed and valuable student texts, handouts, video equipment, and workshop materials. Improving Audit Communications is designed for presentation on-site at your facility. Our experience shows the ideal class size is four to eight attendees. Because of the individual attention and coaching provided in this program, maximum class size should be limited to ten.

The fee for the 3-day Improving Audit Communications is $9950 for up to 10 personnel. If desired, two programs can be presented in one week, with a discount of $1000. J-E-T-S bills travel/expense at cost or we can provide a fixed fee proposal with travel/expense included if desired.

Most attendees show major improvement during this training; they complete the course with new skills, more confidence, and an improved attitude. An important advantage of this course is individual customization to meet specific needs. Maybe some of your personnel need more help with presentations than with written communications. We adapt the focus of the training to suit special conditions, with more emphasis placed where needed.

This is not just another technical writing course; it is a program that greatly improves the effectiveness of personnel who perform performance-based audits or assessments. Almost everyone attending this course improves their communication skills and recognizes individual areas for continued improvement.